The eyes of a child are large and round.
They seek things adults have not found.
Precoceived thoughts come with age,
So a child’s advice won’t be sage.

The eyes of a child find love and trust.
Naïve they are, but not always just.
They learn by observing you and me.
(Often the things we don’t think they see.)

The eyes of a child seek only now.
Events of today work out somehow.
Tomorrow is a long time away.
There’s plenty of time to play today.

The eyes of a child observe no wall
Between plan and success at all.
Logic never gets in the way
Between reality and play.

The eyes of a child always see
Hope and promise, it seems to me.
Give them time to grow into their eyes.
With a little help, they will grow wise.
by Linda L. Rigsbee
Poems & Quotes by Linda L. Rigsbee
HOMEDear Tales

This poem is available to purchase in the collection of poems, quotes and pros; "Reflections," by Linda L. Rigsbee
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