Just imagine if Christmas
Was all year long.
The spirit of giving,
The gift of song.

If we all helped each other
As a civic duty,
Not an indebting favor
That makes us feel moody.

If we could lean on each other,
Not Uncle Sam,
And not feel beholden -
Wouldn't it be grand?

If for every cause
We each gave a penny,
We would hardly feel it,
Yet it would amount to many.

Each Christmas the presents
We grudgingly buy
Are forgotten in days.
It's no wonder why.

It's a gift for the moment,
"The thing to do",
Not a token of friendship
And humanity too.

by Linda L. Rigsbee
Poems & Quotes by Linda L. Rigsbee
HOMEDear Tales

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These 4-line poems are available to purchase in the collection of poems, quotes and pros; "Reflections," by Linda L. Rigsbee